Bibliographie IVG, Zoom sur les idées reçues - Question n°7
« L’IVG favorise la survenue du cancer du sein » : FAUX
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V. Beral et al. Breast cancer and abortion : collaborative reanalysis of data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 83 000 women with breast cancer from 36 countries. Lancet, 2004, vol.363, n° 9414, 1007-1016
S. Rowland. Misinformation on abortion., The European journal of contraception and reproductive health care, 2011, vol. 16, n° 4, 233-240
National Institute of cancer. Early reproductive events and breast cancer workshop . Bethesda, MD, 2003
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists . The care of women requesting induced abortion : Evidence-based guideline, N°7, 2nd edition, Londres, 2004,
House of Commons science and technology committee. Scientific developments relating to Abortion Act 1967. Vol I, HC 1045-1, Londres, The stationery office, 2007,